Posts in discussions
Unusual summer of Milota Sidorova (podcast_SK)

Urban planner Milota Sidorova has had an unusual summer - in 22 days she covered 6,718 km across 20 European capitals and cities. Zuzana Golianová from Radio DEVÍN will ask about her journey, how does the urban planner see / experience cultural differences of European countries? What is her personal reflection and perhaps direct recommendations for us, travelers and Bratislava?

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N2025 Workshop | D̶o̶ it y̶̶o̶̶u̶̶r̶̶se̶̶l̶̶f -Doing it together, Nurnberg

“Evolving Community – Building Togetherness” is a main topic of Nürnberg’s bid for becoming European Capital of Culture 2025. Who defines togetherness in a city und who makes the city? Which cities are good examples for co-creating a city and what can we learn in Nürnberg to build more togetherness in the development of our city? In a workshop led by the Brazilian urbanist Laura Sobral co-creators from civil society groups and city administration in Nürnberg will develop approaches for cooperative urban development.

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Kunsthalle Bratislava - Good Neighborhood: More Than a Logo (debate_SK)

The two most significant industries in Bratislava are construction development and PR and marketing. We got used to development projects that create their own name, brand, story, visualization. They appear not only on billboards, but also in social media, publish their magazines, invest a lot in PR and promotion. However, in the historically unprecedented intensity of construction and sales of the capital's flats, it is good to take a step aside and think critically about what really defines a neighborhood with a good life and what qualities we recognize in the information overload? What constitutes neighborhood identity - how does marketing change and where are its boundaries?

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In female gender: Milota Sidorova (podcast_SK)

Have you ever wondered how different men, women, children and seniors live and work in cities and suburbias? Do you know how these groups usually move around the city and what obstacles they have to face? To what extent do we realize how bad the city's infrastructure, the cars on the sidewalks or the lack of large trees make our lives worse? In this edition of the Female Gender, with the urban planner Milota Sidorova, we will talk about livable cities, the women's view of the profession, the world around us, and how important it is to support women in the profession.

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